With 12cR2, there are some modifications for X$KGLOB table.
The columns KGLOBT23 was replaced with "KGLOBLCT" and KGLOBT24 was replaced with "KGLOBPCT".
So, you can use the following query to identify hot objects then you can mark them with dbms_shared_pool package.
select *from (Select casewhen (kglhdadr = kglhdpar) then'Parent'else'Child ' || kglobt09end cursor,kglhdadr ADDRESS,substr(kglnaobj, 1, 20) name,kglnahsh hash_value,kglobtyd type,KGLOBLCT LOCKED_TOTAL,KGLOBPCT PINNED_TOTAL,kglhdexc EXECUTIONS,kglhdnsp NAMESPACEfrom x$kgloborder by KGLOBPCT desc)where rownum <= 20
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